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Button behavior


The button cooldown feature prevents the users to click on the same button again in the given timeframe. This is to avoid unintentional or intentional repeated triggering of your automation. Enable the Button behavior setting toggle, and give the cooldown time in seconds (minimum 1, maximum 9999):


When you now trigger your connection button there will be a progress icon on the button and the button will be disabled until the cooldown time has lapsed:


Please note that the cooldown is Pipedrive object, user and browser specific. I.e. if user A clicks on a connection button the cooldown is not effective for user B on the same object. However if user A clicks on a connection button and then changes browser or clears the browser cache the cooldown is not effective anymore. And if a button is clicked on deal 1 the cooldown is not effective on deal 2.

Button confirmation

The button confirmation feature prevents accidental clicks on your connection button by requiring the user to confirm the button click. You can edit the instruction texts and button labels to your own needs.

You can edit the Header text, Description text and the Confirm and Decline button labels. At least one of these fields need to have a value:


Once a button with the Button confirmation feature enabled a dialog will be shown to the user before the connection is triggered:


The confirmation screen will always be the last view after clicking the connection button. Any other views (such as data fields view) will be presented before confirmation.