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The very basics with Make


In this example we'll set up a very basic Make scenario which will create a note on the deal from which the OneClick button was triggered from. Read more about the basic usage in in this article!

Create a new scenario with a Webhook

Create a new scenario and select Webhook as the trigger module. Add new Webhook and copy the hook address to the clipboard once done. Leave the Webhook module. Don't close the Webhook module!


Create a button

Head to any Pipedrive deal and go to OneClick settings. Create a new button and paste the Webhook URL as the button URL. Name your button and save. Don't forget to trigger your button once done!


Verify Webhook data structure

Head back to your Make scenario. The Webhook module should now have a green text text Successfully determined to indicate that it catched your button click and determined the OneClick data structure. Click on OK to close the module.


Add actions

Now it's time to add some actions. Create a second module in your scenario. Select Pipedrive as the module and Create note as the action. Select your Pipedrive connection (or add new if necessary). Enter some content for the note and in the Deal ID field select select selectedIds from the Make module variable list, under your first Webhook module. The selectedIds selectedIds variable is the Pipedrive deal (or person or organization) object ID from which the button was clicked from. Save you scenario and activate it.


Test you scenario

Click on your button and observe a note being created. Congratulations!
