This feature is not available for Link buttons
Please note: Pipedrive products needs to be enabled in order to be able use this feature
You can include Deal Products in your button payload, which helps you by not having to fetch the Deal Products separately in your automation / end-point, and you can also make sure products are selected for the deal where required.
If you wish to include Deal Products in your button payload you can enable this feature in the Products section. You can also require the deal to have at least 1 product:
Please note: If you trigger a button which has Deal products required from an organization or a person you will see an error message, as Deal products are not available. It is recommended to use the Include deal products -feature together with the Limit visibility feature to avoid unexpected behavior.
Data sent with a button click
The additional Deal Product data will be automatically added to your button HTTP call payload. The data will also automatically include Product data with it, so you don't need to fetch them separately in your process later.
As an example:
"products": {
"id": 12671,4527,
"deal_id": 21597,1924,
"order_nr": 0,
"product_id": 3997,9874,
"product_variation_id": null,
"name"item_price": "Awesome Metal Pants",522,
"order_nr"discount": 0,
"item_price"discount_type": 604,
"quantity": 2,
"discount_percentage": 5,
"duration": 1,
"duration_unit": null,percentage",
"sum": 1147.6,522,
"currency": "EUR",
"active_flag": true,
"enabled_flag": true,
"add_time": "2023-09-082024-10-02 11:44:39"12:09:28",
"last_edit": "2023-09-082024-10-02 11:44:39"12:09:28",
"comments": null,
"active_flag": true,
"tax": 24,0,
"quantity_formatted"tax_method": "2"none",
"name": "Awesome Cotton Pants",
"sum_formatted": "522 €1,147.60"",
"tax_method"quantity_formatted": "inclusive"1",
"discount"quantity": 5,
"discount_type": "percentage",1,
"product": {
"id": 3997,9874,
"name": "Awesome MetalCotton Pants",
"code": "43"573",
"description": null,
"unit": "CM",
"tax": 24,
"category": null,
"active_flag": true,
"selectable": true,
"first_char": "a",
"visible_to": "7"3",
"owner_id": {
"id": 11109077,11257768,
"name": "DemoTest User"Zimple",
"email": "",
"has_pic": 1,
"pic_hash": "9976f9ecc969efcc02d8783cefd7cc23"2bd5ee0f1913cee94d4187bc05a35f96",
"active_flag": true,
"value": 1110907711257768
"billing_frequency": "one-time",
"billing_frequency_cycles": null,
"description": "",
"category": null,
"first_char": "a",
"files_count": null,
"add_time": "2023-03-282022-10-11 09:31:07"10:43:29",
"update_time": "2023-03-282022-10-24 09:31:08"08:07:58",
"prices": [
"id": 4028,10452,
"product_id": 3997,9874,
"price": 604,522,
"currency": "EUR",
"cost": 0,
"overhead_cost": 00,
"notes": "",
"price_formatted": "522 €"
"product_variations": [],
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"6445fc865de96765cd4c296602f8f9c95fbe4195": null,
"c114dfa2667ecea2307dcba744af7df5fd5ce35f": null
"billing_frequency": "one-time",
"billing_frequency_cycles": null,
"billing_start_date": null